UTA Safety Guidelines
At UTA, we are dedicated to the safety of everyone using our services. Whether you're a passenger, motorist, pedestrian, or a member of our community, following proper safety guidelines ensures a safe journey for all. Below, you'll find essential safety tips for passengers, motorists, and pedestrians.
Rail Safety
- Expect Trains at Any Time: Always be prepared to see a train on any track, in either direction.
- Don’t Cross When Lights Are Flashing: Never cross the tracks when the red lights are flashing, or the crossing arms are moving. Wait until the lights and arms stop before proceeding.
- Look Both Ways: Always look both ways before crossing railroad tracks.
- Avoid Distractions: Take off your headphones, and do not text or talk on the phone when crossing the tracks.
- Use Safe Behavior on Platforms: Stand behind the yellow line when trains are approaching; never bike, scooter, or skateboard on station platforms; and hold the hands of smaller children when boarding or exiting the train.
- Only Cross at Designated Areas: Never cross between train cars or across tracks at an undesignated area. Always use safe, designated crossings.
- Keep Clear of Tracks: Placing objects on the tracks is illegal and can be deadly. Always stay clear of the tracks.
- Mind the High Voltage: The TRAX trains use high-voltage electricity through overhead power lines. Keep your distance and never touch these power sources.
- Don't Take Photos on Tracks: Taking photos on the tracks is dangerous and illegal.
Bus Safety
- Arrive Early: Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time to avoid rushing.
- Wait for the Bus To Stop: Never attempt to board a bus before it has come to a complete stop and the doors have opened.
- Use Seating or Handrails: Always sit in available seats. If standing, hold onto the handrails or overhead straps for balance.
- Stay Behind the White Line: While the bus is moving, stay behind the white line located at the front of the bus.
- Wait to Exit: Never stand or sit in the stairwells of the bus. Wait for the bus to come to a full stop before exiting.
- Cross Safely After Exiting: Never cross the street directly in front of a bus. Wait until the bus leaves before crossing.
Motorist Safety
- Never Go Around a Lowered Gate: Never attempt to go around a lowered gate or outrun a train. Wait for the train to pass, the gates to rise, and the lights to stop flashing.
- Obey Traffic Signals and Signs: Accidents can happen when motorists run red lights or make improper turns in front of a train. Always obey all traffic signals.
- Stop at Railroad Crossings: Always stop before the tracks and proceed with caution when it is safe.
Pedestrian Safety
- Use Designated Crossings: Always cross streets and railroad tracks at designated crossings. Avoid jaywalking, as drivers may not expect you to cross outside of a designated area.
- Look Both Ways: Stop and look left, right, and left again before crossing. If a parked vehicle is blocking the view, stop at the edge and look around it.
- Increase Visibility at Night: Carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing to be more visible when walking at night.
- Walk Facing Traffic: If there is no sidewalk, walk along the edge of the street facing oncoming traffic for maximum visibility and safety.
Report a Safety Concern or Crime
See something? Say something. If you notice a safety concern, crime, or anything that needs immediate attention, please report it:
- Emergency? Call 9-1-1
- Non-emergency? Call UTA Police Dispatch: 801-287-EYES (3937)
- Text Us: Text 274-637 (CRIMES), starting your message with UTATIP followed by your information.
- Non-Urgent Issues: Report through our website using the provided link below.
Stay Safe, Stay Informed
Safety Video
Utah Operation Lifesaver
UTA partners with Utah Operation Lifesaver to give rail safety presentations to elementary, junior high, and high school classes and other organizations. If you would like to request a safety presentation, or learn more about Utah Operation Lifesaver, please email Travis King at TKing@rideuta.com.
You can also visit the Operation Lifesaver website here.